Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Preventing Cell Phone RadiationCell Phone Safety Tips.


Preventing Cell Phone Radiation
        With a little research, you can uncover the facts about preventing cell phone radiation and cell phone safety. In fact, cell phone health hazards and cell phone radiation safety are now being documented as an invisible cause of many illnesses. We are starting to see how using a cell phone causes cancer.
        There are many researchers who are willing to put their reputation on the line to openly talk about cell phone protection and cell phone dangers, including cell phone cancer! There is one person who’s authority is undisputed when talking about cell phone safety and cell phone radiation. His name is Dr. George Carlo.
        Dr. George Carlo, a leading epidemiologist, was hired by the CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industry Association) in 1993 to head a $28 million research program and prove that cell phones were safe. But he could not prove that they were safe. In fact, he discovered how unsafe these devices actually are and he has devoted his life to putting out his message. He’s written hundreds of professional articles on the subject and he has co -authored a boot with Martin Schram called Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age.
        What he did find and shares in his book is that there is a significant health risk for people that use cell phones. He shows the links between cell phones and brain cancer. In many cases doctors who perform surgery on brain tumors and lesions are able to tell which hand their patient uses to hold their cell phone. Read more to learn about mobile phone safety and preventing mobile phone radiation.
    Mobile Phone Radiation  Chart

Here is a Summary of What Dr. Carlo Found Regarding the Dangers of Cellphone Usage:


      • The rate of death from brain cancer among handheld phone users was higher than the rate of brain cancer death among those who used non-handheld phones that were away from their head.
      • The risk of acoustic neuroma, a benign tumour of the auditory nerve that is well in range of the radiation coming from a phone's antenna, was fifty percent higher in people who reported using cell phones for six years or more, moreover, that relationship between the amount of cell phone use and this tumour appeared to follow a dose-response curve.
      • The risk of rare neuro epithelial tumours on the outside of the brain was more than doubled, a statistically significant risk increase, in cell phone users as compared to people who did not use cell phones.
      • There appeared to be some correlation between brain tumours occurring on the right side of the head and the use of the phone on the right side of the head.
      • Laboratory studies looking at the ability of radiation from a phone's antenna to cause functional genetic damage were definitively positive, and were following a dose-response relationship. (excerpted from a Letter to AT&T Chairman & CEO.)

Practical Solutions for Cell Phone Safety:
Cell Phone Radiation Prevention Tip


        It doesn’t seem like cell phones are going to disappear and the convenience of using them is so very tempting. So, what we CAN do is to understand the technology so that we can protect ourselves from the potential harmful effects of using our cellphones.
        Use an Air Tube Headset with an airtube
        Air Tube Headset for Mobile PhonesThe “Air Tube” headset is absolutely the best quality and SAFEST cell phone headset that you can buy. The most unique aspect of this is that the portion that approaches your head is not wire but acoustical plastic tubing! This dramatically helps you reduce radiation emissions because it prevents your brain from becoming a radio receiver!!! Plus, the Blue Tube Headset features advanced acoustic technology, delivering safe, superior communication and hassle-free use by combining the following state-of-the-art features: Enhanced speaker for louder, clearer sound, Specially designed internal wiring system that reduces feedback and distortion, More ergonomic positioning — the sound chamber hangs freely in the air between your cheek and collar bone, reducing contact with your body. The ear piece is enhanced to stay in place, not fall apart. The retractable cord created to help you eliminate any bothersome cord tangling issues. Built-in shielded cable design eliminates the “antenna effect” of attracting additional radio waves. Volume thumb control added to provide you a flexible sound adjustment without the need to reach for your phone. Mute/talk button included to deliver you a more convenient and flexible operation.
        Keep your phone as far away from your body as possible. There’s a dramatic drop-off in radiation exposure for every inch you keep your phone away from your body. If you must use your cellphone without your Blue Tube headset, hold it about a foot away from your head as you listen and speak.
        Research the cell phones that have the lowest radiation levels. According to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), specific absorption rate, or SAR, is a way of measuring the quantity of radiofrequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body. CNET offers a wonderful Quick Guide to Cell Phone Radiation Levels.
        Try to use an external antenna when using your cell phone from inside your car. The RF waves will be reflected back at you from the metal chassis, doors and roof magnifying the radiation. Also, the cell phone has a hard time sending its signal out of the car because of the metal chassis, and increases its transmitting strength to compensate.
        Limit Cell Phone calls to two minutes.The longer you use your phone, the more you are being exposed to radiation.
        Avoid placing cellphone on ear while call is connecting.When you place a call and you are waiting for the other person to pick up, your cellphone is sending out its strongest signal! Try to not place your cell phone to your head during this phase of the call.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


'Save girl child’ monogram to dot all govt letters in Jaisalmer'

JAIPUR: In a novel attempt to generate awareness on female feticide and sex selection, the official letters in Jaisalmer district would now bear a 'Save the girl child' monogram.
District collector Shuchi Tyagi directed the government officials to ensure that any official correspondence through letters must bear the monogram. The collector issued directions to all offices including those of sarpanchs and gram sevaks in this regard.Tyagi also made it compulsory for women undergoing sonography to submit identity cards at the health centre, and said an order has been issued on May 11.
The order also asked health centres and hospitals to get the Form F filled before conducting such tests, and attach the woman or her husband's identity card with the form. In case both don't have identity cards, the name of the woman's father or the village sarpanch has to be mentioned. The form should also have house address and contact number.
Centres or hospitals failing to implement the directions would have to face strict action under violation of the PCPNDT Act.
The collector further said she would request Jodhpur, Barmer and Gujarat's Palanpur district administration to make submission of identity cards mandatory at sonography centres.
The rise in cases of female feticide in several villages in the district, especially those adjoining the Pakistan border, prompted the collector to take stringent steps. The administration has also identified villages where reportedly killing of female fetus is a rampant practice.
The collector and SP also visited Devda village on Friday and conducted a workshop. The village is notorious for forcing women to abort female fetuses.

Why does the counter viewpoint push my apparent sketch?

Why does the counter viewpoint push my apparent sketch?     

skeleton of BHIMA'S son found in army area!!!!!


REMAINS OF MAHABHARATA - Bhima’s Sons gadotkach-like skeleton found
Recent exploration activity in the northern region of India uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Indian desert is called the “empty quarter”.

The dicovery was made by National Geographic Team( India Division) with support from the indian army since the area come under the jurisdiction of the Army.
The exploration team also found tablets with inscriptions that stated that our god’s of Indian mythological yore, “Brahma”, had created people of Phenomenal size the like of which he has not created since. They were very tall, big and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. They were created to bring order among us since we were always fighting with each other. One of the sons of Brahma of the Pandava brothers is also thought of to have been carrying these genes. Later these people, who were given all the power, turned against all our gods, and transgressed beyond all boundaries set. As a result they were destroyed by God Siva. The Geo exploration team believes these to be the remains of those people.
Government of India has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the Net-Geo personnel. See the photo and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton !!


Saturday, July 28, 2012


                                                                                                                         THE FIRST FLIGHT BY INDIA                    
Flying hFlying high——-Shivkar Bapuji Talpadeigh——-Shivkar Bapuji Tlying high
Hundred years after Orville Wright’s first flight, K R N SWAMY remembers Shivkur Bapuji Talpade, the Indian who flew an unmanned aircraft, eight years before Wright.
Orville Wright demonstrated on December 17th 1903 that it was possible for a ‘manned heavier than air machine to fly’. But, in 1895, eight years earlier, the Sanskrit scholar Shivkar Bapuji Talpade had designed a basic aircraft called Marutsakthi (meaning Power of Air) based on Vedic technology and had it take off unmanned before a large audience in the Chowpathy beach of Bombay. The importance of the Wright brothers lies in the fact, that it was a manned flight for a distance of 120 feet and Orville Wright became the first man to fly. But Talpade’s unmanned aircraft flew to a height of 1500 feet before crashing down and the historian Evan Koshtka, has described Talpade as the ‘first creator of an aircraft’.


                      FACTS ABOUT RAMAYANA

The Ramayana ("Journey of Rama")
Type of text
Itihasa (history)
Who wrote it and when
The poet Valmiki first composed it around 300 BCE and much has been added over the years.
Setting of the story
c. 1500 BCE
Long - about the length of the entire Christian Bible. It consists of 24,000 couplets in seven books.
Original language
Versions and translations
1. Hindi version called the Rama Charita Manasa by Tulsi Das (16th century)
2. Tamil version by Kampan
3. Bengali version by Krttibas
What it's about
A virtuous king named Rama is banished to the forest, where he has many adventures, then he rescues his wife Sita from the evil king of Sri Lanka with the help of his friends.
Who's in it
Rama - 7th incarnation of Vishnu and virtuous king of Ayodhya
Sita - incarnation of Lakshmi
Ravana - evil king of Sri Lanka
Hanuman - monkey-general and devotee of Rama
Sugriva - king of the monkeys
Lakshman - Rama's devoted half-brother
1. Bal Kanda - Rama's boyhood
2. Ayodhya Kanda - Rama's life in Ayodhya until his banishment
3. Aranya - Rama's life in the forest and his abduction by Ravana
4. Kishkinda - Rama's stay at Kishkinda, the capital of his monkey ally Sugriva
5. Sundara - Rama's journey to Sri Lanka
6. Yuddha (or Lanka) - Rama's battle with Ravana, the recovery of Sita and their return to Ayodhya
7. Uttara - Rama's life as king in Ayodhya, the birth of his two sons, Sita's test of innocence and return to her mother, and Rama's demise.
Role in Hinduism
The Ramayana is extremely popular. India nearly shut down when a dramatized series of the Ramayana appeared on television in the 1980s. Recitation of the Ramayana earns great merit. Rama and Sita are seen as the ideal married couple. In North India, the Ramayana is acted out in the annual pageant Ram-Lila. It was a favourite subject of Rajasthani and Pahari painters of the 17th and 18th centuries. Gandhi called it the greatest book in the world. Tulsi Das, medieval author of the Hindi translation, said, "Whenever I remember Rama's name, the desert of my heart blooms lush and green."
Fun fact
According to legend, the poet who wrote the Ramayana was originally a thief. One day he tried to rob a sadhu, who of course owned nothing. The sadhu gave him a mantra: "Mara" (evil). Valmiki liked it and kept repeating it, and he gradually became a better person. Then he realized that when he was saying "mara mara mara" he was also saying "rama rama rama." He then wrote the Ramayana in honor of the god who had changed his life.